Meaning of 'bihita'

a (pronun. : bihito) conforming to the established or prescribed mode or form, formal; prescribed; proper, just; done, performed. □ n. (pronun.: bihit) (loos.) a remedy, redress, repara tion. bihita kara v. to enact; to pre scribe; (loos.) to remedy, to redress, to repair; to right. bihitaka n. a legislative enactment, an act. kala n. auspicious or proper time.

Meaning of বিহিত

a (pronun. : বিহিতো) conforming to the established or prescribed mode or form, formal; prescribed; proper, just; done, performed. ☐ n. (pronun.: বিহিত্) (loos.) a remedy, redress, repara tion. বিহিত করা v. to enact; to pre scribe; (loos.) to remedy, to redress, to repair; to right. বিহিতক n. a legislative enactment, an act. ̃কাল n. auspicious or proper time.

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