Meaning of 'timatima'

int expressing: dimness of light or glory; hardly perceptible existence. timatima kara v. (of a lamp etc.) to burn dimly; (of a glorious object) to be in the last stage of decline, to be at the fag-end of one's glory; (of an institution etc.) to keep up one's existence with great diffi culty. timatime a. dimly burning; declin ing, at the fag-end of one's glory; almost passed out of existence.

Meaning of টিমটিম

int expressing: dimness of light or glory; hardly perceptible existence. টিমটিম করা v. (of a lamp etc.) to burn dimly; (of a glorious object) to be in the last stage of decline, to be at the fag-end of one's glory; (of an institution etc.) to keep up one's existence with great diffi culty. টিমটিমে a. dimly burning; declin ing, at the fag-end of one's glory; almost passed out of existence.

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