Meaning of 'tipa, tepa'

v to press; to massage; to pinch; to squeeze; to wink (cokha tipache); to caution or warn furtively (take tipe diẏo yena taka na deẏa); to place or put noiselessly or cautiously (pa tipe cala). □ a. that which is to be opened and shut or operated by means of pressing (tepa kala). kala tepa v. (fig.) to direct others from behind the curtain. cokha tepa v. to wink; to give a hint or warn by winking. nad়i tepa v. to feel (one's) pulse. tipe cala v. (fig.) to spend cautiously.

Meaning of টিপা, টেপা

v to press; to massage; to pinch; to squeeze; to wink (চোখ টিপছে); to caution or warn furtively (তাকে টিপে দিয়ো যেন টাকা না দেয়); to place or put noiselessly or cautiously (পা টিপে চলা). ☐ a. that which is to be opened and shut or operated by means of pressing (টেপা কল). কল টেপা v. (fig.) to direct others from behind the curtain. চোখ টেপা v. to wink; to give a hint or warn by winking. নাড়ি টেপা v. to feel (one's) pulse. টিপে চলা v. (fig.) to spend cautiously.

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