Meaning of 'tipa tipa'

int expressing: the noise made by the fall of very small drops (smaller and milder than tapatapa), the noise of drizzling; burning or flaming faintly (tipatipa kare jbalache); subdued palpita tion caused by fear (buka tipatipa kara) tipatipani n. subdued palpitation caused by fear.

Meaning of টিপ টিপ

int expressing: the noise made by the fall of very small drops (smaller and milder than টপটপ), the noise of drizzling; burning or flaming faintly (টিপটিপ করে জ্বলছে); subdued palpita tion caused by fear (বুক টিপটিপ করা) টিপটিপানি n. subdued palpitation caused by fear.

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