Meaning of 'jnana'

n wisdom; knowledge, enlighten ment, light; intelligence, information; understanding, cognition; conscious ness (jbarera ghore jnana harano); feeling, sense, sensation (ksudhatysnajnana); consid eration, judgement (tynasama jnana); dis cretion (bhalomanda jnana); learning, expe rience; philosophical knowledge, real ization; command of fundamentals (tatbajnana); (theol. & phil.) gnosis. jñana kara v. to regard, to count; to consider; to feel; to conceive; to resuscitate. jnana deoẏa v. to impart knowledge, to en lighten; to make wise; (fig.) to open one's eyes; (coll.) to put one wise, to wise up; to teach. jnana paoẏa v. to earn knowledge, to be enlightened; to be come wise; (fig.) to have one's eyes opened; (coll.) to wise up, to be taught; to regain one's consciousness. jnana hoẏa v. to regain one's consciousness; to be wise; to grow in wisdom. jnana harano v. to swoon; to lose one's sense, to be beside oneself (krodhe jnana harano). kanda n. the philosophical or epistemo logical portion of the Vedas; (coll.) in telligence and discretion, common sense. kyta a. deliberate, wilful. gamya a. cognizable, knowable. gamyi n. (coll.) intelligence and discretion, common sense. garbha a. full of knowl edge and wisdom; imparting knowl edge and wisdom, enlightening, in structive. gocara a. lying within the range of knowledge, knowable. jnanagocara hoẏa v. to come within the range of knowledge, to become know able or cognizable. caksu n. knowledge conceived as sight, enlightened eyes; awareness; enlightenment. jagat n. the realm of knowledge. ta adv. knowingly. tysna, tysa n. thirst for knowledge. tysnarta a. thirsty for knowledge. da a. imparting knowl edge, enlightening. pabana n. (coll.) in telligence and discretion, common sense. papi a. & n. one who commits sins wilfully or consciously. ˜pipasa same as tys়na . pipasu same as tysnarta . bati fem. of bana . bada n. the doctrine that knowledge is the (only) way to salvation, Gnosticism. badi a. & n. one who adheres to this doctrine, Gnostic. ˜bana a. wise; know ing; learned. bijnana a. knowledge and science, knowledge general and scien tific, (cp.) arts and science; knowledge spiritual and temporal. biruddha a. con trary to (one's) knowledge or informa tion. byddha a. as venerable as an old man because of one's profound wis dom or knowledge; wise and experi enced. brata n. ardent search for knowledge. brati a. & n. one who seeks knowledge ardently, deeply de voted to the pursuit of knowledge. fem. ˜bratini . bhandara n. a repertory of knowledge and wisdom. maẏa a. full of knowledge and wisdom. (jnanamaẏa purusa); imparting knowledge and wisdom, en lightening (jnanamaẏa jagat). marga n. knowledge considered as the way to salvation. yoga n. austere search for knowledge in order to attain salvation. yogi a. & n. one who searches for knowledge austerely in order to attain salvation. ˜rahita a. devoid of knowl edge; ignorant; foolish; unconscious, swooned. labha n. attainment of knowledge; regaining of conscious ness: (coll.) state of being wised up. jnanalabha kara same as jnana paoẏa . lipsa n. ardent desire for attaining knowl edge. lipsu a. ardently desirous of at taining knowledge. sali same as bana . fem. salini . sunya same as rahita . sancara n. act of bringing back to consciousness; act of regaining con sciousness; infusion of knowledge, en lightenment, resuscitation. hara same as rahita . hina same as rahita .

Meaning of জ্ঞান

n wisdom; knowledge, enlighten ment, light; intelligence, information; understanding, cognition; conscious ness (জ্বরের ঘোরে জ্ঞান হারানো); feeling, sense, sensation (ক্ষুধাতৃষ্ণাজ্ঞান); consid eration, judgement (তৃণসম জ্ঞান); dis cretion (ভালোমন্দ জ্ঞান); learning, expe rience; philosophical knowledge, real ization; command of fundamentals (তত্বজ্ঞান); (theol. & phil.) gnosis. জ্ঞান করা v. to regard, to count; to consider; to feel; to conceive; to resuscitate. জ্ঞান দেওয়া v. to impart knowledge, to en lighten; to make wise; (fig.) to open one's eyes; (coll.) to put one wise, to wise up; to teach. জ্ঞান পাওয়া v. to earn knowledge, to be enlightened; to be come wise; (fig.) to have one's eyes opened; (coll.) to wise up, to be taught; to regain one's consciousness. জ্ঞান হওয়া v. to regain one's consciousness; to be wise; to grow in wisdom. জ্ঞান হারানো v. to swoon; to lose one's sense, to be beside oneself (ক্রোধে জ্ঞান হারানো). ̃কাণ্ড n. the philosophical or epistemo logical portion of the Vedas; (coll.) in telligence and discretion, common sense. ̃কৃত a. deliberate, wilful. ̃গম্য a. cognizable, knowable. ̃গম্যি n. (coll.) intelligence and discretion, common sense. ̃গর্ভ a. full of knowl edge and wisdom; imparting knowl edge and wisdom, enlightening, in structive. ̃গোচর a. lying within the range of knowledge, knowable. জ্ঞানগোচর হওয়া v. to come within the range of knowledge, to become know able or cognizable. ̃চক্ষু n. knowledge conceived as sight, enlightened eyes; awareness; enlightenment. ̃জগত্ n. the realm of knowledge. ̃ত adv. knowingly. ̃তৃষ্ণা, ̃তৃষা n. thirst for knowledge. ̃তৃষ্ণার্ত a. thirsty for knowledge. ̃দ a. imparting knowl edge, enlightening. ̃পবন n. (coll.) in telligence and discretion, common sense. ̃পাপী a. & n. one who commits sins wilfully or consciously. ˜পিপাসা same as ̃তৃষ়্ণা । ̃পিপাসু same as ̃তৃষ্ণার্ত । ̃বতী fem. of ̃বান । ̃বাদ n. the doctrine that knowledge is the (only) way to salvation, Gnosticism. ̃বাদী a. & n. one who adheres to this doctrine, Gnostic. ˜বান a. wise; know ing; learned. ̃বিজ্ঞান a. knowledge and science, knowledge general and scien tific, (cp.) arts and science; knowledge spiritual and temporal. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. con trary to (one's) knowledge or informa tion. ̃বৃদ্ধ a. as venerable as an old man because of one's profound wis dom or knowledge; wise and experi enced. ̃ব্রত n. ardent search for knowledge. ̃ব্রতী a. & n. one who seeks knowledge ardently, deeply de voted to the pursuit of knowledge. fem. ˜ব্রতিনী । ̃ভাণ্ডার n. a repertory of knowledge and wisdom. ̃ময় a. full of knowledge and wisdom. (জ্ঞানময় পুরুষ); imparting knowledge and wisdom, en lightening (জ্ঞানময় জগত্). ̃মার্গ n. knowledge considered as the way to salvation. ̃যোগ n. austere search for knowledge in order to attain salvation. ̃যোগী a. & n. one who searches for knowledge austerely in order to attain salvation. ˜রহিত a. devoid of knowl edge; ignorant; foolish; unconscious, swooned. ̃লাভ n. attainment of knowledge; regaining of conscious ness: (coll.) state of being wised up. জ্ঞানলাভ করা same as জ্ঞান পাওয়া । ̃লিপ্সা n. ardent desire for attaining knowl edge. ̃লিপ্সু a. ardently desirous of at taining knowledge. ̃শালী same as ̃বান । fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শূন্য same as ̃রহিত । ̃সঞ্চার n. act of bringing back to consciousness; act of regaining con sciousness; infusion of knowledge, en lightenment, resuscitation. ̃হারা same as ̃রহিত । ̃হীন same as ̃রহিত ।

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