Meaning of 'jabad়a'

a wet or drenched like jaba; thor oughly wet or drenched; disorderly, messy; thick and ugly; smudgy. jabad়ano v. to wet or drench thor oughly; to make a mess of; (dial.) to hug, to clasp. □ a. thoroughly wet or drenched; messy; clasped.

Meaning of জাবড়া

a wet or drenched like জাব; thor oughly wet or drenched; disorderly, messy; thick and ugly; smudgy. জাবড়ানো v. to wet or drench thor oughly; to make a mess of; (dial.) to hug, to clasp. ☐ a. thoroughly wet or drenched; messy; clasped.

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