Meaning of 'anunaẏa'

n entreaty, earnest request, solici tation; beseeching. anunaẏa kara v. to en treat, to request earnestly, to solicit, to beseech, to implore. -binaẏa n. humble (and repeated) entreaties, importunate solicitation. anunaẏa-binaẏa kara v. to en treat humbly (and repeatedly), to so licit importunately, to supplicate. anunaẏi a. suppliant; entreating, request ing earnestly, solicitious, beseeching, imploring.

Meaning of অনুনয়

n entreaty, earnest request, solici tation; beseeching. অনুনয় করা v. to en treat, to request earnestly, to solicit, to beseech, to implore. ̃-বিনয় n. humble (and repeated) entreaties, importunate solicitation. অনুনয়-বিনয় করা v. to en treat humbly (and repeatedly), to so licit importunately, to supplicate. অনুনয়ী a. suppliant; entreating, request ing earnestly, solicitious, beseeching, imploring.

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