Meaning of 'chaoẏa'

v to cover; to roof, to thatch; to spread; to overcast; to pervade; to be set. □ a. covered; roofed, thatched; spread; overcast; shaded; shady; per vaded; beset. □ n. act of covering or roofing or thatching; shade, a shaded place. chaoẏano v. to cause to cover or roof or thatch.

Meaning of ছাওয়া

v to cover; to roof, to thatch; to spread; to overcast; to pervade; to be set. ☐ a. covered; roofed, thatched; spread; overcast; shaded; shady; per vaded; beset. ☐ n. act of covering or roofing or thatching; shade, a shaded place. ছাওয়ানো v. to cause to cover or roof or thatch.

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