Meaning of 'copa'

n (dero.) the face (pod়acopa); se vere scolding (copa kara); a rude re ply, a repartee or retort. copa kara v. to scold severely; to reply rudely, to re tort. copa bhana v. to thrash one's face. pod়acopa (lit.) a burnt face; (fig.) an ugly or ill-omened face; (fig.) the face of a disgraceful person, a disgraceful face.

Meaning of চোপা

n (dero.) the face (পোড়াচোপা); se vere scolding (চোপা করা); a rude re ply, a repartee or retort. চোপা করা v. to scold severely; to reply rudely, to re tort. চোপা ভাঙা v. to thrash one's face. পোড়াচোপা (lit.) a burnt face; (fig.) an ugly or ill-omened face; (fig.) the face of a disgraceful person, a disgraceful face.

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