Meaning of 'cina1, cena'

v to recognize; to be ac quainted with; to know; to identify (lasa cena); to choose or differentiate (bhalamanda cena); to learn (aksara cena). □ a. acquainted; known; learnt; familiar. no, no v. to make one acquainted with, to introduce; to cause to know; to enable to chose or differentiate; to teach. cenacini act of being acquainted. cenaparicaẏa, cenasuna n. acquaintance.

Meaning of চিনা1, চেনা

v to recognize; to be ac quainted with; to know; to identify (লাশ চেনা); to choose or differentiate (ভালমন্দ চেনা); to learn (অক্ষর চেনা). ☐ a. acquainted; known; learnt; familiar. ̃নো, ̃নো v. to make one acquainted with, to introduce; to cause to know; to enable to chose or differentiate; to teach. চেনাচিনি act of being acquainted. চেনাপরিচয়, চেনাশুনা n. acquaintance.

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