Meaning of 'calana'

n act of going or moving or travel ling (calanasila); gait (calana ban̐ka); motion; currency, vogue, custom (calana thaka); behaviour, deportment (calacalana); usage, practice, fashion, style (sabeki calana). calana thaka v. to be current, to be in vogue. yogya a. workable; passable, tolerable. sakti n. power of moving, motion. sila a. going, moving, travelling; mobile. si a. passable, tolerable.

Meaning of চলন

n act of going or moving or travel ling (চলনশীল); gait (চলন বাঁকা); motion; currency, vogue, custom (চলন থাকা); behaviour, deportment (চালচলন); usage, practice, fashion, style (সাবেকি চলন). চলন থাকা v. to be current, to be in vogue. ̃যোগ্য a. workable; passable, tolerable. ̃শক্তি n. power of moving, motion. ̃শীল a. going, moving, travelling; mobile. ̃সই a. passable, tolerable.

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