Meaning of 'graha'

n (astr. & astrol.) a planet; (astrol.) an evil planet, (loos.) an evil star (grahera phera); eclipse; act of taking; act of as suming (rupagraha); realization, compre hension (arthagraha); misfortune. kopa n. the antagonism or opposition or evil in fluence of a planet. jagat n. the plan etary world. tattba n. astronomy. dasa n. (astrol.) the period of direct influence of a planet esp. an evil planet. dysti n. (astrol.) planetary influence (direct or indirect), esp. evil influence. debata n. (astrol.) the guardian or presiding deity of a planet. dosa n. (astrol.) he evil in fluence of a planet. pati n. the sun. pid়a n. (astrol.) the suffering owing to the evil influence of a planet. puja n. worship of the sun and other planets in order to propitiate them. bipra n. a Brahmin astrologer. baigunya, bipaka n. (astrol.) antagonism or hostility or op position of a planet. mandala n. (astr. & astrol.) the planetary system. ˜raja n. the sun. santi n. (astrol.) propitiation of planets. sphuta n. a zodiacal sign indicat ing the position of a planet.

Meaning of গ্রহ

n (astr. & astrol.) a planet; (astrol.) an evil planet, (loos.) an evil star (গ্রহের ফের); eclipse; act of taking; act of as suming (রূপগ্রহ); realization, compre hension (অর্থগ্রহ); misfortune. ̃কোপ n. the antagonism or opposition or evil in fluence of a planet. ̃জগত্ n. the plan etary world. ̃তত্ত্ব n. astronomy. ̃দশা n. (astrol.) the period of direct influence of a planet esp. an evil planet. ̃দৃষ্টি n. (astrol.) planetary influence (direct or indirect), esp. evil influence. ̃দেবতা n. (astrol.) the guardian or presiding deity of a planet. ̃দোষ n. (astrol.) he evil in fluence of a planet. ̃পতি n. the sun. ̃পীড়া n. (astrol.) the suffering owing to the evil influence of a planet. ̃পূজা n. worship of the sun and other planets in order to propitiate them. ̃বিপ্র n. a Brahmin astrologer. ̃বৈগুণ্য, ̃বিপাক n. (astrol.) antagonism or hostility or op position of a planet. ̃মণ্ডল n. (astr. & astrol.) the planetary system. ˜রাজ n. the sun. ̃শান্তি n. (astrol.) propitiation of planets. ̃স্ফুট n. a zodiacal sign indicat ing the position of a planet.

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