Meaning of 'gupta'

a protected or guarded by (mantragupta); hidden; unknown, unseen, invisible; unrevealed (gupta tattba); concealed; mys terious, esoteric (gupta rahasya). fem. gupta . gupta katha n. a secret; a mystery. gupta katha pham̐sa kara to divulge or let out a secret. gupta guhasraẏa, gupta gartasraẏa a. burrow. ghataka n. an assassin. cara n. a spy; a detective, a sleuth. carabytti n. espio nage, spying. tattba n. mysteries. tathya n. secret information. dhana n. hidden treasure. besa n. a disguise. bese adv. in disguise. byadhi n. a vicious dis ease kept concealed; a venereal dis ease; (fig.) a vice kept concealed. bhaba n. secrecy or a concealed or unrevealed state; a stealthy or clandestine manner. bhabe adv. secretly; stealthily. bhota, mata n. a secret vote or voting, ballot. mantra n. a secret or mysterious word; a password; (lit.) an esoteric mantra or sacred word. mantrana n. secret counsel or conference. guptamantrana samiti n. a secret council, a close assembly. rahasya n. a mystery, a secret. sabha, samiti n. a secret council, a close assembly; a se cret society. hatya n. assassination; a secret murder. guptahatya kara v. to assassi nate; to commit a murder in secret. guptahatya prakasa pabei murder will out. hatyakari n. an assassin.

Meaning of গুপ্ত

a protected or guarded by (মন্ত্রগুপ্ত); hidden; unknown, unseen, invisible; unrevealed (গুপ্ত তত্ত্ব); concealed; mys terious, esoteric (গুপ্ত রহস্য). fem. গুপ্তা । গুপ্ত কথা n. a secret; a mystery. গুপ্ত কথা ফাঁস করা to divulge or let out a secret. গুপ্ত গুহাশ্রয়, গুপ্ত গর্তাশ্রয় a. burrow. ̃ঘাতক n. an assassin. ̃চর n. a spy; a detective, a sleuth. ̃চরবৃত্তি n. espio nage, spying. ̃তত্ত্ব n. mysteries. ̃তথ্য n. secret information. ̃ধন n. hidden treasure. ̃বেশ n. a disguise. ̃বেশে adv. in disguise. ̃ব্যাধি n. a vicious dis ease kept concealed; a venereal dis ease; (fig.) a vice kept concealed. ̃ভাব n. secrecy or a concealed or unrevealed state; a stealthy or clandestine manner. ̃ভাবে adv. secretly; stealthily. ̃ভোট, ̃মত n. a secret vote or voting, ballot. ̃মন্ত্র n. a secret or mysterious word; a password; (lit.) an esoteric mantra or sacred word. ̃মন্ত্রণা n. secret counsel or conference. গুপ্তমন্ত্রণা সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly. ̃রহস্য n. a mystery, a secret. ̃সভা, ̃সমিতি n. a secret council, a close assembly; a se cret society. ̃হত্যা n. assassination; a secret murder. গুপ্তহত্যা করা v. to assassi nate; to commit a murder in secret. গুপ্তহত্যা প্রকাশ পাবেই murder will out. ̃হত্যাকারী n. an assassin.

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