Meaning of 'ganana, ganana'

n act of reckoning or count ing, enumeration (sankhyaganana); act of doing a mathematical sum; act of de ciding or judging (as); decision, judg ment (dosi bale ganana kara); act of con sidering or regarding (as), consider ation (manusa bale ganana); act of pointing out (as), mention (satru bale ganana); (astrol.) prediction, foretelling, divina tion. ganana kara v. to reckon, to count, to enumerate; to calculate, to compute; to do (a mathematical sum), to work out; to judge; to consider, to regard (as); to point out, to mention; (astrol.) to pre dict, to foretell, to divine. gananakari n. an enumerator. yantra a counting instru ment, a calculator. gananarha a. worthy of being reckoned or counted; worth con sidering or counting. gananiẏa a. count able; calculable; worth considering or mentioning.

Meaning of গণন, গণনা

n act of reckoning or count ing, enumeration (সংখ্যাগণনা); act of doing a mathematical sum; act of de ciding or judging (as); decision, judg ment (দোষী বলে গণনা করা); act of con sidering or regarding (as), consider ation (মানুষ বলে গণনা); act of pointing out (as), mention (শত্রু বলে গণনা); (astrol.) prediction, foretelling, divina tion. গণনা করা v. to reckon, to count, to enumerate; to calculate, to compute; to do (a mathematical sum), to work out; to judge; to consider, to regard (as); to point out, to mention; (astrol.) to pre dict, to foretell, to divine. গণনাকারী n. an enumerator. ̃যন্ত্র a counting instru ment, a calculator. গণনার্হ a. worthy of being reckoned or counted; worth con sidering or counting. গণনীয় a. count able; calculable; worth considering or mentioning.

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