Meaning of 'ganjana'

n act of scolding or childing or up braiding; act of insulting; act of putting to shame or reproaching (by displaying superior excellence). □ a. one who or that which scolds or insults; one who or that which puts to shame or re proaches ('khanjanaganjana an̐khi'). ganjana n. scolding, chiding, upbraiding; insult; putting to shame; reproach. ganjana deoẏa . v. to scold, to chide; to upbraid; to in sult; to reproach; to put to shame.

Meaning of গঞ্জন

n act of scolding or childing or up braiding; act of insulting; act of putting to shame or reproaching (by displaying superior excellence). ☐ a. one who or that which scolds or insults; one who or that which puts to shame or re proaches ('খঞ্জনগঞ্জন আঁখি'). গঞ্জনা n. scolding, chiding, upbraiding; insult; putting to shame; reproach. গঞ্জনা দেওয়া । v. to scold, to chide; to upbraid; to in sult; to reproach; to put to shame.

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