Meaning of 'kosthi'

n a horoscope, a nativity. kosthi kara v. to cast one's horoscope. kosthi ganana kara v. to predict the future of one's life from one's horoscope. nasta kosthi uddhara kara v. to cast one's horoscope from hypotheses or insufficient or uncertain data. gata a. horoscopic. ganaka n. a horoscopist, an astrologer. ganana n. horoscopy.

Meaning of কোষ্ঠী

n a horoscope, a nativity. কোষ্ঠী করা v. to cast one's horoscope. কোষ্ঠী গণনা করা v. to predict the future of one's life from one's horoscope. নষ্ট কোষ্ঠী উদ্ধার করা v. to cast one's horoscope from hypotheses or insufficient or uncertain data. ̃গত a. horoscopic. ̃গণক n. a horoscopist, an astrologer. ̃গণনা n. horoscopy.

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