Meaning of 'kostha'

n a room, a compartment; the inner part of a (dwelling) house; a granary; the large bowel, the colon (kostha pariskara kara). kostha kathina hoẏa v. to have costive ness. kostha pariskara kara v. to evacuate thoroughly. kostha pariskara hoẏa v. to have bowels cleared; to have an easy or regular evacuation of one's bowels. kathinya n. constipation, costiveness. baddha a. constipated. kosthabaddha hoẏa v. to get constipated; to suffer from consti pation. baddhata n. constipation. suddhi n. thorough or easy evacuation or purging of one's bowels.

Meaning of কোষ্ঠ

n a room, a compartment; the inner part of a (dwelling) house; a granary; the large bowel, the colon (কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা). কোষ্ঠ কঠিন হওয়া v. to have costive ness. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার করা v. to evacuate thoroughly. কোষ্ঠ পরিস্কার হওয়া v. to have bowels cleared; to have an easy or regular evacuation of one's bowels. ̃কাঠিন্য n. constipation, costiveness. ̃বদ্ধ a. constipated. কোষ্ঠবদ্ধ হওয়া v. to get constipated; to suffer from consti pation. ̃বদ্ধতা n. constipation. ̃শুদ্ধি n. thorough or easy evacuation or purging of one's bowels.

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