Meaning of 'kosa'

n a cover, a jacket, a sac (andakosa); a case, a sheath, a scabbard; a bladder (pittakosa); a store, a repertory, a fund, a treasury (rajakosa); a juicy division or section of a fruit containing the seed, a replum, a legume, a pod (kan̐thalera kosa); a receptacle, a con tainer, a box, a chest; a water-container (usu. made of copper) shaped like a ca noe used in religious worship by Hin dus; a silk-cocoon; (bio.) a cell; (phil. & theo.) any of the stages of ex istence of a created being (annamaẏa kosa); a dictionary, a lexicon, a glos sary; the scrotum, the bag containing testicles; the palm of hand formed into a cup (eka kosa jala). kala n. (bio.) a cellular tissue. kabya n. an anthology of poems. kara n. a lexicographer; a silk worm. gathana n. (bio.) cell-forma tion. granha n. an encyclopedia; a dictio nary. pala n. a treasurer. prakara n. (bot.) a cellplate. pracira n. (bio.) a cell-wall. baddha a. sheathed. baddha kara v. to sheathe (one's sword etc.). byddhi n. hydrocele. mukta a. unsheathed, drawn. kosamukta kara v. to unsheathe or draw (one's sword etc.). kosera ekikarana (bot.) cell-fusion.

Meaning of কোষ

n a cover, a jacket, a sac (অণ্ডকোষ); a case, a sheath, a scabbard; a bladder (পিত্তকোষ); a store, a repertory, a fund, a treasury (রাজকোষ); a juicy division or section of a fruit containing the seed, a replum, a legume, a pod (কাঁঠালের কোষ); a receptacle, a con tainer, a box, a chest; a water-container (usu. made of copper) shaped like a ca noe used in religious worship by Hin dus; a silk-cocoon; (bio.) a cell; (phil. & theo.) any of the stages of ex istence of a created being (অন্নময় কোষ); a dictionary, a lexicon, a glos sary; the scrotum, the bag containing testicles; the palm of hand formed into a cup (এক কোষ জল). ̃কলা n. (bio.) a cellular tissue. ̃কাব্য n. an anthology of poems. ̃কার n. a lexicographer; a silk worm. ̃গঠন n. (bio.) cell-forma tion. ̃গ্রন্হ n. an encyclopedia; a dictio nary. ̃পাল n. a treasurer. ̃প্রাকার n. (bot.) a cellplate. ̃প্রচীর n. (bio.) a cell-wall. ̃বদ্ধ a. sheathed. ̃বদ্ধ করা v. to sheathe (one's sword etc.). ̃বৃদ্ধি n. hydrocele. ̃মুক্ত a. unsheathed, drawn. কোষমুক্ত করা v. to unsheathe or draw (one's sword etc.). কোষের একীকরণ (bot.) cell-fusion.

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