Meaning of 'kendra'

n the centre (of or as of a circle); the principal place or station; (astrol.) the fourth or the seventh or the tenth house from the birth-house in the zo diac. gata a. lying in or entered into the centre; central; (phys.) centric. bindu n. the centre; the central place; the headquarters. bimukha, kendratiga, kendrapasari a. (sc.) centrifugal. sasita a. centrally administered. shala n. the centre; the principal place or station, the headquarters. kendrabhiga, kendrabhigami, kendrabhikarsi, kendrabhimukha a. (sc.) centrip etal. kendrita a. lying or placed or drawn in the centre; (sc.) centric. kendri a. cen tral; (sc.) centric. kendriẏa a. cen (kendriẏa sarakara). kendribhuta a. centralized; lying in or brought into the centre; re duced to the centre.

Meaning of কেন্দ্র

n the centre (of or as of a circle); the principal place or station; (astrol.) the fourth or the seventh or the tenth house from the birth-house in the zo diac. ̃গত a. lying in or entered into the centre; central; (phys.) centric. ̃বিন্দু n. the centre; the central place; the headquarters. ̃বিমুখ, কেন্দ্রাতিগ, কেন্দ্রাপসারী a. (sc.) centrifugal. ̃শাসিত a. centrally administered. ̃স্হল n. the centre; the principal place or station, the headquarters. কেন্দ্রাভিগ, কেন্দ্রাভিগামী, কেন্দ্রাভিকর্ষী, কেন্দ্রাভিমুখ a. (sc.) centrip etal. কেন্দ্রিত a. lying or placed or drawn in the centre; (sc.) centric. কেন্দ্রী a. cen tral; (sc.) centric. কেন্দ্রীয় a. cen (কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার). কেন্দ্রীভূত a. centralized; lying in or brought into the centre; re duced to the centre.

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