Meaning of 'anadhikara'

n absence of right or claim or possession. □ a. unrightful; without authority or claim or possession; ultra vires, unwarranted. carca n. unautho rized interference, meddling; officious ness; interference without competence or qualification. anadhikaracarca kara v. to interfere without authority, to meddle, to butt in, to thrust one's nose in; to act officiously; to interfere without com petence or qualification. prabesa n. tres pass, intrusion. anadhikaraprabesa kara v. to trespass, to intrude, to encroach; to transgress, to infringe. anadhikari a. without any right or claim or authority or competence; having no right or claim; unrightful; unauthorized; in competent; not entitled; ineligible.

Meaning of অনধিকার

n absence of right or claim or possession. ☐ a. unrightful; without authority or claim or possession; ultra vires, unwarranted. ̃চর্চা n. unautho rized interference, meddling; officious ness; interference without competence or qualification. অনধিকারচর্চা করা v. to interfere without authority, to meddle, to butt in, to thrust one's nose in; to act officiously; to interfere without com petence or qualification. ̃প্রবেশ n. tres pass, intrusion. অনধিকারপ্রবেশ করা v. to trespass, to intrude, to encroach; to transgress, to infringe. অনধিকারী a. without any right or claim or authority or competence; having no right or claim; unrightful; unauthorized; in competent; not entitled; ineligible.

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