Meaning of 'kaka'

n the crow. fem. kaki the female crow. caksu a. as transparent as a crow's eyes, (cp.) crystal-clear. jotsna n. dim or faint moonlight. tandra, nidra n. wary nap or slumber. tad়uẏa n. the scarecrow. taliẏa a. (of two or more incidents) coincidental and seemingly related to one another as cause and ef fect; coincidental; successive but not causally connected. kakataliẏa nyaẏa post hoc ergo propter hoc (after it, so be cause of it—a fallacious reasoning). paksa n. a lovelock. pada n. quotation marks ( ); a caret (^). puccha n. the cuckoo. phala n. the margosa-tree, the nim. bandhya n. a woman who becomes pregnant but once. bheja n. & v. get ting or to get completely drenched (usu. in rainwater). ˜bhora n. very early morning. sirsa n. a species of flower tree yielding flowers looking like ducks. snana n. brief and careless bath. kakera cha bakera cha extremely bad and il legible handwriting.

Meaning of কাক

n the crow. fem. কাকী the female crow. ̃চক্ষু a. as transparent as a crow's eyes, (cp.) crystal-clear. ̃জোত্স্না n. dim or faint moonlight. ̃তন্দ্রা, ̃নিদ্রা n. wary nap or slumber. ̃তাড়ুয়া n. the scarecrow. ̃তালীয় a. (of two or more incidents) coincidental and seemingly related to one another as cause and ef fect; coincidental; successive but not causally connected. কাকতালীয় ন্যায় post hoc ergo propter hoc (after it, so be cause of it—a fallacious reasoning). ̃পক্ষ n. a lovelock. ̃পদ n. quotation marks ( ); a caret (^). ̃পুচ্ছ n. the cuckoo. ̃ফল n. the margosa-tree, the nim. ̃বন্ধ্যা n. a woman who becomes pregnant but once. ̃ভেজা n. & v. get ting or to get completely drenched (usu. in rainwater). ˜ভোর n. very early morning. ̃শীর্ষ n. a species of flower tree yielding flowers looking like ducks. ̃স্নান n. brief and careless bath. কাকের ছা বকের ছা extremely bad and il legible handwriting.

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