Meaning of 'katu'

a bitter; acrid, pungent (katurasa); tasting hot (katu tela); harsh, acrimoni ous (katubakya). katu haẏe yaoẏa v. to have the taste or flavour spoilt or fouled, to grow or to run rancid. katu katha n. same as katukti . katabya n. pl. bitter re proaches. ta, tba n. bitterness; pun gency; hot taste; harshness, acrimony. katu tela n. mustard oil. bhasi a. rude or impolite in speech, foul-spoken, foul mouthed.

Meaning of কটু

a bitter; acrid, pungent (কটুরস); tasting hot (কটু তেল); harsh, acrimoni ous (কটুবাক্য). কটু হয়ে যাওয়া v. to have the taste or flavour spoilt or fouled, to grow or to run rancid. কটু কথা n. same as কটুক্তি । ̃কাটব্য n. pl. bitter re proaches. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. bitterness; pun gency; hot taste; harshness, acrimony. কটু তেল n. mustard oil. ̃ভাষী a. rude or impolite in speech, foul-spoken, foul mouthed.

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