Meaning of 'unnati'

n prosperity; good fortune; flour ish; amelioration, improvement, ad vancement; progress; uplift; promo tion; development; tallness; loftiness; elevatedness; (geom. geol.) rise, height, altitude, elevation; greatness, noble ness. unnati kara, sadhana kara v. to prosper or cause to prosper; to flourish or cause to flourish; to improve; to advance or cause to advance, to progress or cause to progress; to get promotion; to be up lifted or to uplift; to be developed or to develop; to rise or cause to rise.unnati labha kara v. to prosper; to flourish; to improve; to advance or progress; to be uplifted or developed, to rise. sila a. prospering; prosperous; flourishing; improving; progressing; progressive.

Meaning of উন্নতি

n prosperity; good fortune; flour ish; amelioration, improvement, ad vancement; progress; uplift; promo tion; development; tallness; loftiness; elevatedness; (geom. geol.) rise, height, altitude, elevation; greatness, noble ness. উন্নতি করা, ̃সাধন করা v. to prosper or cause to prosper; to flourish or cause to flourish; to improve; to advance or cause to advance, to progress or cause to progress; to get promotion; to be up lifted or to uplift; to be developed or to develop; to rise or cause to rise.উন্নতি লাভ করা v. to prosper; to flourish; to improve; to advance or progress; to be uplifted or developed, to rise. ̃শীল a. prospering; prosperous; flourishing; improving; progressing; progressive.

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