Meaning of 'udara'

n the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (parbatodare) paraẏana, sarbasba a. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; vo racious, gluttonous. paraẏanata n. glut tony, voracity. purti n. filling the stomach with foodstuff. sarbasba byakti a belly-god. pid়a n. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. bhanga n. strong diarrhoea. sat a. eaten; swal lowed; appropriated; consumed. udarasat kara v. to eat up. sha a. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; ly ing in the belly or stomach. udarasha kara v. to swallow. udarasha thaka v. to lie or re main in the belly or stomach; to be ac cepted by the stomach. udaranna n. food; indispensable food; a living, liveli hood. udaranna jogad় kara, udarannera saṃshana kara to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. udaramaẏa n. diarrhoea. udari n. dropsy.

Meaning of উদর

n the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (পর্বতোদরে) ̃পরায়ণ, ̃সর্বস্ব a. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; vo racious, gluttonous. ̃পরায়ণতা n. glut tony, voracity. ̃পূর্তি n. filling the stomach with foodstuff. ̃সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a belly-god. ̃পীড়া n. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. ̃ভঙ্গ n. strong diarrhoea. ̃সাত্ a. eaten; swal lowed; appropriated; consumed. উদরসাত্ করা v. to eat up. ̃স্হ a. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; ly ing in the belly or stomach. উদরস্হ করা v. to swallow. উদরস্হ থাকা v. to lie or re main in the belly or stomach; to be ac cepted by the stomach. উদরান্ন n. food; indispensable food; a living, liveli hood. উদরান্ন জোগাড় করা, উদরান্নের সংস্হান করা to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. উদরাময় n. diarrhoea. উদরী n. dropsy.

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