Meaning of 'asa2'

n hope, expectation; assurance; confidence, reliance, trust (cakarira upara asa, chelera upara asa); a part of the horizon (purbasa). asa kara, asa rakha v. to hope, to expect; to place confidence (upon), to rely (upon), to trust. tirikta, tita a. beyond expectation, unhoped for; unexpected. nurupa a. up to expec tation. nbita a. hopeful, cherishing hope; expectant. patha ceẏe thaka to wait in expectation, to look forward to. asa posana kara v. to cherish hopes. prada a. that which excites or inspires hope, hopeful. bada n. optimism. badi a. op timistic. □ n. an optimist. bhanga n. dis appointment, frustration. bharasa n. hopes and confidence. sunya, hina a. hopeless; disappointed. hata a. disap pointed, frustrated.

Meaning of আশা2

n hope, expectation; assurance; confidence, reliance, trust (চাকরির উপর আশা, ছেলের উপর আশা); a part of the horizon (পূর্বাশা). আশা করা, আশা রাখা v. to hope, to expect; to place confidence (upon), to rely (upon), to trust. ̃তিরিক্ত, ̃তীত a. beyond expectation, unhoped for; unexpected. ̃নুরূপ a. up to expec tation. ̃ন্বিত a. hopeful, cherishing hope; expectant. ̃পথ চেয়ে থাকা to wait in expectation, to look forward to. আশা পোষণ করা v. to cherish hopes. ̃প্রদ a. that which excites or inspires hope, hopeful. ̃বাদ n. optimism. ̃বাদী a. op timistic. ☐ n. an optimist. ̃ভঙ্গ n. dis appointment, frustration. ̃ভরসা n. hopes and confidence. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. hopeless; disappointed. ̃হত a. disap pointed, frustrated.

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