Meaning of 'ad়ala'

n a device or a thing that inter cepts the view; a screen, a cover; a po sition or place intercepted from the view, hiding, concealment. ad়ala kara v. to put out of view; to hide, to con ceal. ad়ala hoẏa v. to go out of view; to go behind the screen; to go in hid ing, to hide. ad়ala abadala n. secrecy; cover; hiding. ad়ale abadale adv. se cretly, confidentially, in camera; in a hidden place, in concealment.

Meaning of আড়াল

n a device or a thing that inter cepts the view; a screen, a cover; a po sition or place intercepted from the view, hiding, concealment. আড়াল করা v. to put out of view; to hide, to con ceal. আড়াল হওয়া v. to go out of view; to go behind the screen; to go in hid ing, to hide. আড়াল আবডাল n. secrecy; cover; hiding. আড়ালে আবডালে adv. se cretly, confidentially, in camera; in a hidden place, in concealment.

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