Meaning of 'agama'

n the esoteric scriptures of the Hindus (viz. beda, tantra etc); arrival, coming (saradagama); income; earning (dhanagama, sukhagama); (bio.) an inhaling or gan, an inhalant; (gr.) insertion of an extra letter or syllable in the middle of a derivative word; (phil.) any of the sources of knowledge; (comm.) im port. nibandha n. incoming or inward regi ster. niẏamaka n. the controller of im ports. agama banijya niẏamaka n. import trade controller. sulka n. import duty.

Meaning of আগম

n the esoteric scriptures of the Hindus (viz. বেদ, তন্ত্র etc); arrival, coming (শরদাগম); income; earning (ধনাগম, সুখাগম); (bio.) an inhaling or gan, an inhalant; (gr.) insertion of an extra letter or syllable in the middle of a derivative word; (phil.) any of the sources of knowledge; (comm.) im port. ̃নিবন্ধ n. incoming or inward regi ster. ̃নিয়ামক n. the controller of im ports. আগম বাণিজ্য নিয়ামক n. import trade controller. ̃শুল্ক n. import duty.

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