Meaning of 'marjana'

n scouring or scrubbing; cleansing (as of teeth) by rubbing, brushing etc.; rubbing; polishing (as of gold orna ments); freeing from sin, fault etc. chastening, absolution; chiselling. marjana same as marjana,, and-forgiving; pardon. marjana kara v. to forgive, to par don; to scour or scrub; to cleanse; to rub; to polish; to free from sin, fault etc., to chasten, to absolve; to chisel. marjanahina a. unforgiving; relentless. marjani n. any implement for scrubbing or scouring or cleansing or rubbing with, a besom, a broom, a brush, a towel, a napkin etc.

Meaning of মার্জন

n scouring or scrubbing; cleansing (as of teeth) by rubbing, brushing etc.; rubbing; polishing (as of gold orna ments); freeing from sin, fault etc. chastening, absolution; chiselling. মার্জনা same as মার্জন,, and-forgiving; pardon. মার্জনা করা v. to forgive, to par don; to scour or scrub; to cleanse; to rub; to polish; to free from sin, fault etc., to chasten, to absolve; to chisel. মার্জনাহীন a. unforgiving; relentless. মার্জনী n. any implement for scrubbing or scouring or cleansing or rubbing with, a besom, a broom, a brush, a towel, a napkin etc.

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