Meaning of 'mara3'

n beating or striking or thrashing or flogging. mara khaoẏa v. to be beaten up or flogged. mara deoẏa a. to beat, to flog. kata n. fighting and bloodshed; tumultuous brawl or affray; feverish haste and fuss; higgling. □ adv. & a. at best. ˜kute a. given to beating on slightest pretext. kheko a. one who is often flogged. dhara n. beating or flog ging; beating and arresting (as by the police). pita n. mutual fighting; fray; an affray, a riot; beating or flogging (esp. excessive). mara katakata n. same as kata .a. tumultuous, noisily vio lent, turbulent. mukho a. about to strike or hurt; aggressive; frightening, threat ening, menacing. fem. mukhi . murti a. about to strike or hurt; having an ag gressive or menacing appearance. □ n. aggressive or menacing appearance.

Meaning of মার3

n beating or striking or thrashing or flogging. মার খাওয়া v. to be beaten up or flogged. মার দেওয়া a. to beat, to flog. ̃কাট n. fighting and bloodshed; tumultuous brawl or affray; feverish haste and fuss; higgling. ☐ adv. & a. at best. ˜কুটে a. given to beating on slightest pretext. ̃খেকো a. one who is often flogged. ̃ধর n. beating or flog ging; beating and arresting (as by the police). ̃পিট n. mutual fighting; fray; an affray, a riot; beating or flogging (esp. excessive). ̃মার কাটকাট n. same as কাট ।a. tumultuous, noisily vio lent, turbulent. ̃মুখো a. about to strike or hurt; aggressive; frightening, threat ening, menacing. fem. ̃মুখী । ̃মূর্তি a. about to strike or hurt; having an ag gressive or menacing appearance. ☐ n. aggressive or menacing appearance.

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