Meaning of 'bhan̐ja'

v to fold, to plait; (mus.) to hum or utter esp. to practise (sura bhan̐ja); to move or brandish or wave (mugura bhan̐ja); to exercise with (dambela bhan̐ja); to shuffle (as playing cards); (usu. dero.) to excogitate, to devise, to scheme (phandi bhan̐ja).

Meaning of ভাঁজা

v to fold, to plait; (mus.) to hum or utter esp. to practise (সুর ভাঁজা); to move or brandish or wave (মুগুর ভাঁজা); to exercise with (ডাম্বেল ভাঁজা); to shuffle (as playing cards); (usu. dero.) to excogitate, to devise, to scheme (ফন্দি ভাঁজা).

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