Meaning of 'bhadra'

a polished or elegant in taste or demeanour; (rare) civilized; courteous; polite; well-behaved, mannerly; ami able; suave; belonging to polished or high society; gentle, auspicious, propi tious, salutary; honest, chaste. □ n. weal; welfare; Shiva (siba). bhadra acarana gentlemanly conduct; good manners. kali n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (durga). ta n. polished or elegant taste or demeanour; courtesy, polite ness; amiability; suavity; gentility; auspiciousness, propitiousness, salu tariness; honesty, chastity; formality. bhadrata kara v. to treat one courteously, to be formal with; to be suave. bhadratara anurodhe, bhadratara khatire for courtesy's sake, for the sake of formalities. bhadratacarana n. courteous or polite deport ment or conduct, courtesy. bhadratabiruddha a. discourteous, impolite, uncivil. bhadratamulaka a. pertaining to courtesy, formal. mahila n. fem. a gentle woman; a lady. loka n. a gentleman; a courte ous or amiable man; an honest man. bhadralokera eka katha (fig.) a gentleman or an honest man is always true to his words or promise. santana n. one com ing of a respectable family; a gentle man. samaja n. society of cultured or decent people. sha a. (coll.) in the state of a gentlemen; gentlemanlike. bhadra a. fem. of bhadra (a.). □ n. (astr. & astrol.) the second, seventh or twelfth day of a lunar fortnight (these days are consid ered inauspicious. bhadra pa&dtod;়a v. (dial.) to be obstructed or hindered; to have an impediment or a hitch or a set-back. bhadrabhadra n. good and evil; respectable and disreputable. bhadresbara n. a manifes tation of Shiva (siba). bhadrocita a. gentlemanlike, gentlemanly; polite; courteous; gentle.

Meaning of ভদ্র

a polished or elegant in taste or demeanour; (rare) civilized; courteous; polite; well-behaved, mannerly; ami able; suave; belonging to polished or high society; gentle, auspicious, propi tious, salutary; honest, chaste. ☐ n. weal; welfare; Shiva (শিব). ভদ্র আচরণ gentlemanly conduct; good manners. ̃কালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃তা n. polished or elegant taste or demeanour; courtesy, polite ness; amiability; suavity; gentility; auspiciousness, propitiousness, salu tariness; honesty, chastity; formality. ভদ্রতা করা v. to treat one courteously, to be formal with; to be suave. ভদ্রতার অনুরোধে, ভদ্রতার খাতিরে for courtesy's sake, for the sake of formalities. ভদ্রতাচরণ n. courteous or polite deport ment or conduct, courtesy. ভদ্রতাবিরুদ্ধ a. discourteous, impolite, uncivil. ভদ্রতামূলক a. pertaining to courtesy, formal. ̃মহিলা n. fem. a gentle woman; a lady. ̃লোক n. a gentleman; a courte ous or amiable man; an honest man. ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা (fig.) a gentleman or an honest man is always true to his words or promise. ̃সন্তান n. one com ing of a respectable family; a gentle man. ̃সমাজ n. society of cultured or decent people. ̃স্হ a. (coll.) in the state of a gentlemen; gentlemanlike. ভদ্রা a. fem. of ভদ্র (a.). ☐ n. (astr. & astrol.) the second, seventh or twelfth day of a lunar fortnight (these days are consid ered inauspicious. ভদ্র পড়া v. (dial.) to be obstructed or hindered; to have an impediment or a hitch or a set-back. ভদ্রাভদ্র n. good and evil; respectable and disreputable. ভদ্রেশ্বর n. a manifes tation of Shiva (শিব). ভদ্রোচিত a. gentlemanlike, gentlemanly; polite; courteous; gentle.

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