Meaning of 'bhanda'

a feigning, pretentious; dissimulat ing, dissembling; hypocritical; deceit ful; sanctimonious. □ n. a pretender; a quack, a charlatan; a dessimulator, a dissembler; a hypocrite, an imposter; a deceiver; a cheat; a sanctimonious per son. ta, tba same as bhandami . bhandana n. deception; cheating. bhandano v. (chiefly poet.) to deceive, to cheat, to hood wink. bhandami n. pretension, feigning; charlatanism, quackery; dissembling; imposture, hypocrisy; deceit; sancti mony.

Meaning of ভন্ড

a feigning, pretentious; dissimulat ing, dissembling; hypocritical; deceit ful; sanctimonious. ☐ n. a pretender; a quack, a charlatan; a dessimulator, a dissembler; a hypocrite, an imposter; a deceiver; a cheat; a sanctimonious per son. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব same as ভণ্ডামি । ভণ্ডন n. deception; cheating. ভণ্ডানো v. (chiefly poet.) to deceive, to cheat, to hood wink. ভণ্ডামি n. pretension, feigning; charlatanism, quackery; dissembling; imposture, hypocrisy; deceit; sancti mony.

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