Meaning of 'byabhicara'

n contrary or unlawful conduct or action; transgression; (rare) excep tion; unlawful sexual intercourse, adul tery or fornication or incest. byabhicara kara v. to behave or act contrarily or unlawfully: to transgress; to commit adultery or incest. byabhicari a. behaving or acting contrarily or unlawfully; transgressing; adulterous or incestu ous. □ n. one who behaves or acts con trarily or unlawfully; a transgressor; an adulterer (fem. byabhicarini = adulteress) or fornicator.

Meaning of ব্যভিচার

n contrary or unlawful conduct or action; transgression; (rare) excep tion; unlawful sexual intercourse, adul tery or fornication or incest. ব্যভিচার করা v. to behave or act contrarily or unlawfully: to transgress; to commit adultery or incest. ব্যভিচারী a. behaving or acting contrarily or unlawfully; transgressing; adulterous or incestu ous. ☐ n. one who behaves or acts con trarily or unlawfully; a transgressor; an adulterer (fem. ব্যভিচারিণী = adulteress) or fornicator.

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