Meaning of 'bala'

n a male child, a boy; (in comp.) a child. krid়a n. boyish sport; a child's play. khilya n. (myth.) any one of the sixty thousand ascetics who were not more than a thumb in height; a Lilliputian, a midget, a pygmy. carya n. bringing up children. capalya n. child ish flippancy or frolicsomeness. bacca n. young or infant children, (sl.) kiddies, bidhaba n. a child-widow. baidhabya n. widowhood at a very early age. bhasita n. the utterance of a child like talk or prattle; (fig.) an utterance of no importance, babble. roga n. a children's disease; an infantile disease, (med.) pediatric diseases. sasi n. the moon of the second lunar night of a light fortnight. sulabha a. childlike, childish. surya n. the newly-risen sun; the rising sun.

Meaning of বাল

n a male child, a boy; (in comp.) a child. ̃ক্রীড়া n. boyish sport; a child's play. ̃খিল্য n. (myth.) any one of the sixty thousand ascetics who were not more than a thumb in height; a Lilliputian, a midget, a pygmy. ̃চর্যা n. bringing up children. ̃চাপল্য n. child ish flippancy or frolicsomeness. ̃বাচ্চা n. young or infant children, (sl.) kiddies, ̃বিধবা n. a child-widow. ̃বৈধব্য n. widowhood at a very early age. ̃ভাষিত n. the utterance of a child like talk or prattle; (fig.) an utterance of no importance, babble. ̃রোগ n. a children's disease; an infantile disease, (med.) pediatric diseases. ̃শশী n. the moon of the second lunar night of a light fortnight. ̃সুলভ a. childlike, childish. ̃সূর্য n. the newly-risen sun; the rising sun.

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