Meaning of 'bardhana'

n increase, augmentation, multipli cation, growth, development, expan sion. □ a. same as bardhaka (gaurababardhana karya). bardhana kara v. to increase, to augment, to multiply, to enhance; to develop, to ex pand. ksama a. capable of being in creased or augmented or multiplied or grown or developed or expanded. sila a. in a state of increase or aug mentation or enhancement or develop ment or expansion, growing, thriving, prosperous. bardhananka n. (phys.) power (of a lens).

Meaning of বর্ধন

n increase, augmentation, multipli cation, growth, development, expan sion. ☐ a. same as বর্ধক (গৌরববর্ধন কার্য). বর্ধন করা v. to increase, to augment, to multiply, to enhance; to develop, to ex pand. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of being in creased or augmented or multiplied or grown or developed or expanded. ̃শীল a. in a state of increase or aug mentation or enhancement or develop ment or expansion, growing, thriving, prosperous. বর্ধানাঙ্ক n. (phys.) power (of a lens).

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