Meaning of 'noṃra'

a dirty, filthy, foul; despicable, hateful, abominable; impure, unclean, unholy; base, mean, vile (noṃra mana, noṃra matalaba); indecent or obscene (noṃra bhasa, noṃra galpa). □ n. dirt, filth, refuse. mi, mo n. dirtiness, filthi ness, foulness; baseness, meanness, vileness; indecency or obscenity; in dulgence in dirtiness or meanness or vileness or indecency or obscenity.

Meaning of নোংরা

a dirty, filthy, foul; despicable, hateful, abominable; impure, unclean, unholy; base, mean, vile (নোংরা মন, নোংরা মতলব); indecent or obscene (নোংরা ভাষা, নোংরা গল্প). ☐ n. dirt, filth, refuse. ̃মি, ̃মো n. dirtiness, filthi ness, foulness; baseness, meanness, vileness; indecency or obscenity; in dulgence in dirtiness or meanness or vileness or indecency or obscenity.

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