Meaning of 'nimitta'

n a cause or reason; a motive, an end in view, an aim; necessity, need; an omen, a prognostic, a presage, a portent (durnimitta); one who acts as an instrument of another, a tool, an agent. □ prep. for, because of, on account of, owing to, due to (rogera nimitta). nimittera bhagi responsible only for an action and not for its cause, one held responsible for an action because of one's mere presence although one has taken no part in it. nimittera bhagi hoẏa to have to share the responsibility and conse quence of another person's action. nimittajna , nimittabida n. an augur, a diviner, a soothsayer. matra n. a mere agent or instrument. nimittartha n. (gr.) the gerundial force or the infinitive mood. □ a. gerundial.

Meaning of নিমিত্ত

n a cause or reason; a motive, an end in view, an aim; necessity, need; an omen, a prognostic, a presage, a portent (দুর্নিমিত্ত); one who acts as an instrument of another, a tool, an agent. ☐ prep. for, because of, on account of, owing to, due to (রোগের নিমিত্ত). নিমিত্তের ভাগী responsible only for an action and not for its cause, one held responsible for an action because of one's mere presence although one has taken no part in it. নিমিত্তের ভাগী হওয়া to have to share the responsibility and conse quence of another person's action. নিমিত্তজ্ঞ , নিমিত্তবিদ n. an augur, a diviner, a soothsayer. ̃মাত্র n. a mere agent or instrument. নিমিত্তার্থ n. (gr.) the gerundial force or the infinitive mood. ☐ a. gerundial.

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