Meaning of 'nama'

n a name, an appellation, a designa tion, an epithet; reputation, fame, ce lebrity, renown (namadaka); identity (namagotrahina); mention or reputation (desera sarbatra tara nama); the name of a deity (namajapa); a name esp. that of a deity or religion invoked or called to witness (bhagabanera name, dharmera name); a roll (nama daka); a plea or pretext or pretence (kajera nama kare palano); ac tual execution or performance (kajera name dhu n̐dhu); merely nominal or titular existence or possession (n̐namei talapukura); a very small amount, an iota (namamatra); (gr.) a root-word other than verbs, a noun, a substantive. chadmanama n. a pseudonym. dakanama n. a nickname. bhalo nama n. proper or Chris tian or formal first name; the name by which one is known to the outside pub lic. bhula nama a misnomer. nama kara v. to mention one's name; to name; to make a plea (se bipadera nama ara kare na); to utter the name of; to utter or recite the name of one's idol (baisnabera nama karachena); to earn fame, to become con spicuous, to come into prominence, to cut a figure (se nace nama karache). nama kata v. to remove one's name (from a register, roll etc.); to strike off one's name, to strike one off. nama gaoẏa same as namakirtana kara . nama japa same as namajapa kara . nama daka v. to summon one loudly by one's name (saksira nama dakache); to call the roll. nama dobano v. to destroy one's reputation; to bring disgrace upon, to drag one's name through the mire. nama deoẏa same as namakarana kara . nama dhara v. to tell one's name; to assume a name or designa tion. nama dhare daka v. to call or summon one by one's name. nama bala v. to tell one's name; to name or mention. nama bhan̐d়ano v. to commit forgery by con cealing one's name and assuming a false one. nama rata v. to become famous or notorious. nama rakha v. to give a name to, to christen, to designate, to name; to act up to the reputation of (baṃsera nama rakha); to leave behind a lasting fame (pythibite nama rakha). nama neoẏa v. to utter the name of; to utter or recite in devo tion the name of; to remember or wor ship. nama lekhano v. to have oneself en listed or enrolled or registered. nama sonano v. to sing to one the name of (esp. of a deity). nama hoẏa v. to become famous, to earn reputation. nama harano v. to lose one's reputation. namaka a. named, by name, called, designated. karana n. act of giving a name to, act of naming; the sacrament of giving a name to, christening; nomenclature. namakarana kara v. to give a name to, to name; to designate; to christen. kara a. reputed, renowned, famous; (dero.) notorious (namakara cora). kirtana n. de votional recitation or singing of the name of one's idol; act of celebrating one's name; act of praising esp. pub licly. lamakirtana kara v. to recite or sing in devotion the name of; to celebrate one's name; to praise esp. publicly. gandha n. slightest mention or sign or trace. namagana same as namakirtana . gotrahina a. (fig.) having no established (social) position or credentials. japa n. act of uttering inwardly and continu ously the name of one's idol. namajapa kara v. to utter in devotion the name of one's idol inwardly and continuously. jada a. famous, renowned, celebrated, reputed. jari n. mutation or substitu tion of a name in an official register esp. in the landlord's records; publica tion or upholding of one's name. namajari kara v. to alter or substitute a name in an official register; to publish or uphold a name. daka n. fame and influence, prominence in public life. dakoẏala a. famous and influential, prominent in public life. nama daka v. to call the rolls; to call one's name. namata adv. in name only; nominally. □ a. nominal, titular. dhara a. named. dhatu n. (gr.) a verbal root derived from a noun, a nominal verb. dhama n. name and address. dharana n. act of assuming or bearing a name or designation. namadharana kara v. to assume or bear a name or designation. dhari same as namadhara . dheẏa n. a name, an appellation, a designation. □ a. named, designated. patra n. the title page of a book; the pa per or document bearing one's title. pada n. (gr.) a noun. nama pratyahara n. withdrawal of one's name or candidature (from a contest, election etc.) phalaka n. a nameplate. bacaka a. expressing or denoting a name; (gr.) proper. namabacaka bisesya (gr.) a proper noun. bihina a. nameless; unknown; having no reputation or fame; obscure; anonymous. bihinata, hinata n. name lessness; anonymity. bhumika n. the title-role, the name-part. matra a. nomi nal; titular; only a little or only a few. □ adv. nominally, in name only; only a little or only a few. □ n. (even) the mere name; slightest mention or hint; slightest amount. mudra n. a seal bear ing one's name. mudrankita a. sealed, with a seal bearing one's name. yasa same as namadaka . sankirtana same as namakirtana . sarbasba n. a thing or person that is nothing but a mere name. □ a. existing merely in name. hara, hina same as namabihina . name a. by name, named, designated; in name only; nominal, titular. □ adv. in name only. name goẏala kan̐ji bhaksana (fig.) one who is reputed as a millionaire but cannot af ford to eat more mutton than beef. name name adv. separately by or in or under individual names.

Meaning of নাম

n a name, an appellation, a designa tion, an epithet; reputation, fame, ce lebrity, renown (নামডাক); identity (নামগোত্রহীন); mention or reputation (দেশের সর্বত্র তার নাম); the name of a deity (নামজপ); a name esp. that of a deity or religion invoked or called to witness (ভগবানের নামে, ধর্মের নামে); a roll (নাম ডাকা); a plea or pretext or pretence (কাজের নাম করে পালানো); ac tual execution or performance (কাজের নামে ঢুঁ ঢুঁ); merely nominal or titular existence or possession (নামেই তালপুকুর); a very small amount, an iota (নামমাত্র); (gr.) a root-word other than verbs, a noun, a substantive. ছদ্মনাম n. a pseudonym. ডাকনাম n. a nickname. ভালো নাম n. proper or Chris tian or formal first name; the name by which one is known to the outside pub lic. ভুল নাম a misnomer. নাম করা v. to mention one's name; to name; to make a plea (সে বিপদের নাম আর করে না); to utter the name of; to utter or recite the name of one's idol (বৈষ্ণবেরা নাম করছেন); to earn fame, to become con spicuous, to come into prominence, to cut a figure (সে নাচে নাম করছে). নাম কাটা v. to remove one's name (from a register, roll etc.); to strike off one's name, to strike one off. নাম গাওয়া same as নামকীর্তন করা । নাম জপা same as নামজপ করা । নাম ডাকা v. to summon one loudly by one's name (সাক্ষীর নাম ডাকছে); to call the roll. নাম ডোবানো v. to destroy one's reputation; to bring disgrace upon, to drag one's name through the mire. নাম দেওয়া same as নামকরণ করা । নাম ধরা v. to tell one's name; to assume a name or designa tion. নাম ধরে ডাকা v. to call or summon one by one's name. নাম বলা v. to tell one's name; to name or mention. নাম ভাঁড়ানো v. to commit forgery by con cealing one's name and assuming a false one. নাম রটা v. to become famous or notorious. নাম রাখা v. to give a name to, to christen, to designate, to name; to act up to the reputation of (বংশের নাম রাখা); to leave behind a lasting fame (পৃথিবীতে নাম রাখা). নাম নেওয়া v. to utter the name of; to utter or recite in devo tion the name of; to remember or wor ship. নাম লেখানো v. to have oneself en listed or enrolled or registered. নাম শোনানো v. to sing to one the name of (esp. of a deity). নাম হওয়া v. to become famous, to earn reputation. নাম হারানো v. to lose one's reputation. নামক a. named, by name, called, designated. ̃করণ n. act of giving a name to, act of naming; the sacrament of giving a name to, christening; nomenclature. নামকরণ করা v. to give a name to, to name; to designate; to christen. ̃করা a. reputed, renowned, famous; (dero.) notorious (নামকরা চোর). ̃কীর্তন n. de votional recitation or singing of the name of one's idol; act of celebrating one's name; act of praising esp. pub licly. লামকীর্তন করা v. to recite or sing in devotion the name of; to celebrate one's name; to praise esp. publicly. ̃গন্ধ n. slightest mention or sign or trace. নামগান same as নামকীর্তন । ̃গোত্রহীন a. (fig.) having no established (social) position or credentials. ̃জপ n. act of uttering inwardly and continu ously the name of one's idol. নামজপ করা v. to utter in devotion the name of one's idol inwardly and continuously. ̃জাদা a. famous, renowned, celebrated, reputed. ̃জারি n. mutation or substitu tion of a name in an official register esp. in the landlord's records; publica tion or upholding of one's name. নামজারি করা v. to alter or substitute a name in an official register; to publish or uphold a name. ̃ডাক n. fame and influence, prominence in public life. ̃ডাকওয়ালা a. famous and influential, prominent in public life. নাম ডাকা v. to call the rolls; to call one's name. নামত adv. in name only; nominally. ☐ a. nominal, titular. ̃ধর a. named. ̃ধাতু n. (gr.) a verbal root derived from a noun, a nominal verb. ̃ধাম n. name and address. ̃ধারণ n. act of assuming or bearing a name or designation. নামধারণ করা v. to assume or bear a name or designation. ̃ধারী same as নামধর । ̃ধেয় n. a name, an appellation, a designation. ☐ a. named, designated. ̃পত্র n. the title page of a book; the pa per or document bearing one's title. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a noun. নাম প্রত্যাহার n. withdrawal of one's name or candidature (from a contest, election etc.) ̃ফলক n. a nameplate. ̃বাচক a. expressing or denoting a name; (gr.) proper. নামবাচক বিশেষ্য (gr.) a proper noun. ̃বিহীন a. nameless; unknown; having no reputation or fame; obscure; anonymous. ̃বিহীনতা, ̃হীনতা n. name lessness; anonymity. ̃ভূমিকা n. the title-role, the name-part. ̃মাত্র a. nomi nal; titular; only a little or only a few. ☐ adv. nominally, in name only; only a little or only a few. ☐ n. (even) the mere name; slightest mention or hint; slightest amount. ̃মুদ্রা n. a seal bear ing one's name. ̃মুদ্রাঙ্কিত a. sealed, with a seal bearing one's name. ̃যশ same as নামডাক । ̃সংকীর্তন same as নামকীর্তন । ̃সর্বস্ব n. a thing or person that is nothing but a mere name. ☐ a. existing merely in name. ̃হারা, ̃হীন same as নামবিহীন । নামে a. by name, named, designated; in name only; nominal, titular. ☐ adv. in name only. নামে গোয়ালা কাঁজি ভক্ষণ (fig.) one who is reputed as a millionaire but cannot af ford to eat more mutton than beef. নামে নামে adv. separately by or in or under individual names.

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