Meaning of 'dhyana'

n meditation; absorbing religious meditation; recollection; remembrance. dhyana kara v. to meditate (upon); to be ab sorbed in religious meditation; to recol lect; to remember. gambhira a. grave and silent on account of absorption in medi tation; consecrated or sanctified with holy meditation; solemnly absorbed in (spiritual) meditation ('dhyanagambhira ai ye bhudhara'). gamya, gocara a. comprehensible or cognizable or attainable (only) through (deep) meditation. jnana n. meditation and cognition, thought and feeling; (loos.) sole occupation or ab sorption. tatpara a. given to meditation; capable of being absorbed in medita tion. dharana n. meditation and impres sion, thought and perception; idea; impression. nistha a. meditative. bhanga n. interruption or break of meditation (esp. a spiritual one). magna a. absorbed or en grossed in meditation. rata, sha a. en gaged in meditation.

Meaning of ধ্যান

n meditation; absorbing religious meditation; recollection; remembrance. ধ্যান করা v. to meditate (upon); to be ab sorbed in religious meditation; to recol lect; to remember. ̃গম্ভীর a. grave and silent on account of absorption in medi tation; consecrated or sanctified with holy meditation; solemnly absorbed in (spiritual) meditation ('ধ্যানগম্ভীর ঐ যে ভূধর'). ̃গম্য, ̃গোচর a. comprehensible or cognizable or attainable (only) through (deep) meditation. ̃জ্ঞান n. meditation and cognition, thought and feeling; (loos.) sole occupation or ab sorption. ̃তত্পর a. given to meditation; capable of being absorbed in medita tion. ̃ধারণা n. meditation and impres sion, thought and perception; idea; impression. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. meditative. ̃ভঙ্গ n. interruption or break of meditation (esp. a spiritual one). ̃মগ্ন a. absorbed or en grossed in meditation. ̃রত, ̃স্হ a. en gaged in meditation.

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