Meaning of 'dhoẏa'

v to wash; to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to wash and bleach; (of rivers) to inundate. □ a. washed; cleansed or scrubbed or scoured with water; washed and bleached. dhoẏani n. water or other liquids with which something has been washed; alluvial deposit; dregs. dhoẏano v. to cause to wash; to cause to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to cause to wash and bleach. dhoẏa-pakala n. act of washing and scrubbing or scouring.

Meaning of ধোয়া

v to wash; to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to wash and bleach; (of rivers) to inundate. ☐ a. washed; cleansed or scrubbed or scoured with water; washed and bleached. ধোয়ানি n. water or other liquids with which something has been washed; alluvial deposit; dregs. ধোয়ানো v. to cause to wash; to cause to cleanse or scrub or scour with water; to cause to wash and bleach. ধোয়া-পাকলা n. act of washing and scrubbing or scouring.

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