Meaning of 'draba'

a liquid, fluid; liquefied, melted. □ n. (chem.) a liquid solution, a solution. gadh় draba concentrated solution. draba kara v. to liquefy; to melt; to dissolve or solve. draba hoẏa v. to be liquefied or melted, to liquefy or melt; to be dissolved or solved. drabana n. liquefaction; melting; (chem.) dissolution or solution. drabanasila a. disposed to be liquefied or melted or solved; liquefiable; (chem.) soluble. drabananka n. melting-point. drabaniẏa a. lique fiable; (chem.) soluble. drabaniẏata n. solubility. drabikarana same as drabana . drabikyta a. liquefied, melted; (chem.) dissolved or solved. drabibhabana n. act of melting; act of being liquefied or dissolved or solved. drabibhuta a. liquefied; melted; (chem.) dissolved or solved.

Meaning of দ্রব

a liquid, fluid; liquefied, melted. ☐ n. (chem.) a liquid solution, a solution. গাঢ় দ্রব concentrated solution. দ্রব করা v. to liquefy; to melt; to dissolve or solve. দ্রব হওয়া v. to be liquefied or melted, to liquefy or melt; to be dissolved or solved. দ্রবণ n. liquefaction; melting; (chem.) dissolution or solution. দ্রবণশীল a. disposed to be liquefied or melted or solved; liquefiable; (chem.) soluble. দ্রবনাঙ্ক n. melting-point. দ্রবণীয় a. lique fiable; (chem.) soluble. দ্রবনীয়তা n. solubility. দ্রবীকরণ same as দ্রবণ । দ্রবীকৃত a. liquefied, melted; (chem.) dissolved or solved. দ্রবীভবন n. act of melting; act of being liquefied or dissolved or solved. দ্রবীভূত a. liquefied; melted; (chem.) dissolved or solved.

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