Meaning of 'dbidha'

adv in two ways or directions etc. a. divided into two; partitioned. □ n. hesitation; wavering in the mind caused by indecision; suspicion or doubt. dbidha kara v. to hesitate; to waver in the mind; (rare) to divide into two; (rare) to partition. karana n. act of di viding into two; act of partitioning; (rare) hesitation. kyta a. divided into two; partitioned. grasha a. caught in two minds, hesitation, wavering. bibhakta a. divided or split into two.

Meaning of দ্বিধা

adv in two ways or directions etc. a. divided into two; partitioned. ☐ n. hesitation; wavering in the mind caused by indecision; suspicion or doubt. দ্বিধা করা v. to hesitate; to waver in the mind; (rare) to divide into two; (rare) to partition. ̃করণ n. act of di viding into two; act of partitioning; (rare) hesitation. ̃কৃত a. divided into two; partitioned. ̃গ্রস্হ a. caught in two minds, hesitation, wavering. ̃বিভক্ত a. divided or split into two.

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