Meaning of 'aksa'

n any of the three long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-play ing; a die; a kind of seed used as bead; (geog.) the axis of the equator; (geog.) latitude; (astr.) the angular distance of any star or planet from the solar orbit, the orbit of a heavenly body; (astrol.) the shape of the zodiac; (zoo.) the sec and vertebra of the neck; an axle; a sense-organ (adhoksaja). ka n. the col lar-bone, the clavicle; a dice player. karna n. (geom.) a hypotenuse. krid়a n. game of dice; diceplay. danda n. (geog.) the axis of the equator, the minor axis. dhura n. the front portion of a wheel, an axis; the pole of a cart. dhurta n. an ex pert or clever dice-player. pati n. any of the long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing. bata n. dice-board; arena for wrestling; wrestling ground; gymnasium. bicalana n. (astr.) nutation. bit, bida, betta a. versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice-game. □ n. a lawyer; a diplomat; an expert dice-player. bytta, samantarala n. (geog.) the parallels of latitude. mala, sutra n. a string of beads, a rosary. sakti n. the Axis Powers in the World War II.

Meaning of অক্ষ

n any of the three long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-play ing; a die; a kind of seed used as bead; (geog.) the axis of the equator; (geog.) latitude; (astr.) the angular distance of any star or planet from the solar orbit, the orbit of a heavenly body; (astrol.) the shape of the zodiac; (zoo.) the sec and vertebra of the neck; an axle; a sense-organ (অধোক্ষজ). ̃ক n. the col lar-bone, the clavicle; a dice player. ̃কর্ণ n. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ক্রীড়া n. game of dice; diceplay. ̃দণ্ড n. (geog.) the axis of the equator, the minor axis. ̃ধুরা n. the front portion of a wheel, an axis; the pole of a cart. ̃ধূর্ত n. an ex pert or clever dice-player. ̃পাটি n. any of the long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing. ̃বাট n. dice-board; arena for wrestling; wrestling ground; gymnasium. ̃বিচলন n. (astr.) nutation. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ, ̃বেত্তা a. versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice-game. ☐ n. a lawyer; a diplomat; an expert dice-player. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃সমান্তরাল n. (geog.) the parallels of latitude. ̃মালা, ̃সূত্র n. a string of beads, a rosary. ̃শক্তি n. the Axis Powers in the World War II.

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